Relationship Education
Each year, FRA’s Counseling Department, Physical Education and Wellness Department, and Administration have been collaborating on effective ways to teach and implement Family Life & Relationship Education amongst our Middle School students. The goal of this curriculum is to inform students on how to build healthy relationships with their peers, gain self-awareness about their basic needs, and learn about the physical changes they are experiencing in their bodies. We are excited to announce that we are continuing our partnership for the third year with the Nashville faith-based nonprofit, Hope Clinic for Women, to provide support and important presentations to our 5th - 8th grade students and parents. At Hope Clinic for Women, they pride themselves on creating a safe space for tough conversations at the intersection of faith and intimacy. Their qualified team addresses sensitive topics with students and parents of diverse backgrounds and belief systems as they point toward healthy behavior and equip parents to help their child(ren) make informed wise choices.