Matching Gifts

Many employers offer matching gift programs that match charitable contributions made by their employees. These programs have the potential to double or triple the impact of your gift to Franklin Road Academy. Some companies also match gifts made by retired employees and/or their spouses.

Use the search tool below to see if your company has a matching gift policy. If your company is eligible, we kindly ask you to request a matching gift form from your employer and return it to us:

In Person / Mail:
Franklin Road Academy
Attn: Amanda Rush
4700 Franklin Pike
Nashville, TN 37220

Amanda Rush
, Director of Annual Giving

Search for your Employer

Please use Nikki Walters, as FRA's organizational contact when completing the matching gift donation form.

GIVING LEVELSBenefactors Society

Patrons Club

Honors Club

Scholars Club

Head of School Club

Panther Club

Blue and White Club

Alpha and Omega Club
up to $499