“We are passionate about FRA and what we stand for as a community. We’ve been on board with that all along. FRA prepared our children well for life, and we’re excited to be a part of things that are going on now to ensure that the same will be true for many other future students.”

– Beth and Randy Chase,
Parents of Alumni

FRA's Strategic Vision to Construct Our Future

Continue to develop our facilities, prioritizing innovative spaces for our students and faculty while remaining focused on the safety and security of our campus community

FRA remains committed to developing facilities that reflect the quality of the work being done inside them. It is essential that we continue improving our campus to support the needs of our dynamic programs and the aspirations of our faculty and students. As we enhance our campus for current and future generations, we must maintain the warm sense of community central to the FRA experience and remain attentive to both the environmental sustainability and the safety of our campus.


  • Complete planning and construction of upper school academic building and center campus quad
  • Develop a plan for the Harding Place exit to improve traffic flow on campus
  • Prioritize necessary campus additions and renovations that are environmentally mindful and support innovative educational programming, such as areas for makerspaces, DIY labs, virtual learning classrooms, etc.
  • Update master plan to incorporate the 4600 Franklin Pike acquisition, consider the expansion and relocation of the lower school playgrounds and fields, and identify long-term uses for the remaining unused elements of the South Campus building
  • Implement athletic facility upgrades, including restrooms for the tennis/soccer/track hub, and critical improvements to the football stadium locker rooms, stands, restrooms, and concessions 
  • Maintain the safety and security master plan and evaluate the need for a welcome checkpoint and gate at the front of campus