
An endowment fund is a permanent, self-sustaining source of funding. Endowment assets are carefully invested by FRA, and each year, a small percentage, approximately 4 ½%, of the market value of the fund, is paid out to support the fund’s purpose. Any earnings in excess of this distribution are used to build the fund’s market value. Endowment funds are designed to grow and provide support for a designated purpose in perpetuity. Therefore, when you establish an endowment fund, you create a permanent legacy of support for FRA.

A named endowment fund can be created with payments over the course of five years. You can name an endowment for yourself, your family, your favorite professor, or to honor or memorialize someone who is important to you - the choice is yours. Our development team can work with you to establish guidelines for your endowment and to provide ongoing stewardship to ensure that you are able to achieve your philanthropic goals.

Please click on the categories below in order to view a list of endowment opportunities

You may also make a gift of any size to an existing endowment fund. There may be an existing fund that reflects your interests, and you can add your support. Many donors who have established endowment funds in the past continue to support them financially over time. The larger a fund is, the more it can do each year.

For more information, or to establish a named endowment fund, please contact Kim Worel, Director of Capital Campaign and Planned Giving, at worelki@franklinroadacademy.com.

Philanthropy Report

The 2021-22 Philanthropy Report begins on page 63