Planned Giving

The Peach Orchard Hill Society recognizes the generosity of FRA parents, alumni, faculty and staff, the board of trustees, parents of alumni, grandparents, and friends who provide for Franklin Road Academy through estate gifts. There are many planned giving vehicles, but the easiest way to support FRA through a planned gift is to name FRA as a beneficiary in your will or on an insurance policy. Please consult with your tax advisor.

The Peach Orchard Hill Society is laying the foundation for future generations of FRA students. We would like to recognize and celebrate alumni and friends who have made provisions for FRA in their estate plans. If you have made a gift plan in support of FRA, or if you would like to become a member of the Peach Orchard Hill Society, please contact Kim Worel at

Peach Orchard Hill Society

Mr. & Mrs. Sterling R. Ambrose
Mr. & Mrs. Homey Aminmadani
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Bishop
Ms. Leigh Brown '85
Mrs. Alison Carpenter Bueschen '85

Mr. Royce Cannon, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Coben
Mr. & Mrs Everett H. Cowan
Mr. & Mrs. C. Stephen Lynn
Mr. Kemper P. Maxwell